Individual Donors

Gifts of $5000 -$25000
David & Vembra Holnagel
Michael & Diana Corso
Randi Coopersmith
Anthony Isaac -Isaac Family Institute of Charity

Gifts of $3000-$4999
Henry Schein Orthodontics & Henry Schein Cares Foundation
Katie B.
Alexis Dachs/USD KKG

Gifts of $1200-$2999
Neil & Clarice Hokanson
Joe & Susan Minner
Jim & Kim Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Wentz
Tim & Lauri Martin
Brian McBride/ Priority Public House
Towers Watson San Diego Office

Gifts of $300- $1199
Bob & Debra Gustafson
Kristine Quart
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Muha
Gayle Fulbright
Steve & Bambi Schulman
Michael & Faith Kettel
Sheri Colosimo
Lance Gillett
Rich & Sharon Sylvester
Mario & Cindy Yco
Carelle Karimimanesh
Kevin & Kelly Eastwood
Marjorie Holmstrom
Sterling & Trisha Dorji
Joe Rogers
Debbie Anderson
Kathy Emmons-Brighton collectibles Escondido
Peggy Korody-las Damas de Fairbanks
Sheri Colosmio/The Sweatworks
Jordan Van Camp/Poway Honda
Kathryn Hopkins/CSUSM
Cody Blew/North County Self Storage
Paul Dunlap/VelofixSD
Brenda Peterson/Peterson Reporting
Susan Jayne McArthur
Chris Williams-Small Business Referral Group