Empowering Women with Breast Cancer
Compassion in Action!
We provide Temporary Monetary Assistance to Local California Women
experiencing Financial Distress due to Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
California Breast Cancer Patient Assistance
Many women diagnosed with breast cancer face additional financial burdens during their treatment and recovery. As a local non-profit charity in San Diego County, we are proud to provide financial assistance to these women who live in and receive treatment in Southern California.
Our Gift Card Program, funded by donations to Shades of Pink Foundation California (SOPFCA), is a lifeline for eligible applicants experiencing financial hardship due to their treatment. We help women pay for expenses such as food, fuel, and other essentials by providing gift cards for local grocery stores, gasoline stations, and “big box†stores. The application process is simple: women are referred to us by a care coordinator at their cancer treatment center, and we provide their choice of gift cards within days.
Please Note: SOPFCA program applicants must be referred by an appropriate healthcare provider. Please do not contact us directly. If you are interested in our program, you should contact the health care professional where you are receiving care to assist you with filling out an application. If they have not worked with SOPFCA before, have your health care professional contact us so we can provide more information about our application process.
Total Grant Awards:
Gift Card Referral Program:
Started in February 2020 $173,025
Read more about our

Ways You Can Change A Life
Check: Make payable to Shades of Pink California
Mail to: Shades of Pink California
1084 N. El Camino Real, Suite B345
Encinitas, CA 92024
By sending a check you help us avoid costly credit card processing fees
and put more of your gift in the hands of the women we serve.
Credit Card: click the Give Now button at the top of the page
and select either a one-time donation or a recurring monthly gift.
($25 minimum donation)