by Christopher Harden | Mar 28, 2019 | Women We've Helped
Grant Recipient: Maria Diagnosis: Stage II Breast Cancer Treatment: Surgery, Radiation Grant used for: Rent A Duel-Income Household Becomes a Single-Income Household San Diego is a beautiful but expensive place to live and raise a family. Maria and her husband did...
by Christopher Harden | Mar 28, 2019 | Women We've Helped
Grant Recipient: Melodee My life has been turned upside down Diagnosis: Stage IV Breast Cancer Treatment: Life-prolonging medications Grant used for: Rent A Pre-School Teacher Receives a Terrible Diagnosis Melodee dedicated her life to bringing joy and education to...
by Christopher Harden | Mar 28, 2019 | Women We've Helped
Grant Recipient: Carol The grants came just in time to help me over the roughest part, and I sincerely don’t know if I would have made it through without them Diagnosis: Stage I Breast Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy, Surgery, Radiation Grant used for: Insurance,...
by Vembra Holnagel | Oct 1, 2018 | Women We've Helped
 Grant Recipient: Rachelle I so appreciate any help you can give my family in such a scary and stressful time. Diagnosis: Stage II Breast Cancer A Treatment: Mastectomy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Grant used for: Housing and Utilities A Happy Family… And Then,...
by Christopher Harden | Feb 20, 2018 | Women We've Helped
 Grant Recipient: Tracy Grant Recipient: Tracy I am applying for this grant to keep a roof over my head. Diagnosis: Stage II Breast Cancer B Treatment: Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, Hormonal Therapy, and Herceptin infusions Grant used for: Rent and auto payment A...
by Christopher Harden | Feb 20, 2018 | Women We've Helped
 Grant Recipient: Donna Grant Recipient: Donna Your caring and kindness are priceless to me as I know is true for the many women you help in our time of need. Diagnosis: Stage II Breast Cancer B Treatment: Chemotherapy, Mastectomy, Hormonal Therapy, and Herceptin...